Staff HandBook

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General Rules to abide by.

There are some unspoken and written down rules on how to administrate your selected server/s that will hopefully be listed below.( this list is to clarify the rules posted on the front page, so what’s absurdly clear their will not be listed here)
• Do not abuse your admin (this is general, more detail will be provide below)
• Being an Administrator does not make you above the rules, your job is to help the players, not to be a Minge bag.
• If caught abusing you will receive a warning, three of these can cause a loss of administrative privileges with no refund (mind you if they are on a broad space of time your warning/s might diminish. We are not THAT cruel, and we understand that people are not perfect).
• Use common sense, this is self explanatory.
• Always follow the instructions of a Super Admin; they are the Elder Gods of the server you reside on.
• Try not to noclip around the map when off duty, this can be considered abuse.
• Always be respectful to the players of the server you reside on. Think of yourself and the customer service rep, your job is to help others and enforce the rules of the server.
• Your phys gun is a tool to be used ONLY in administrative matters on other players, don’t use it to kill others when rping.
• Admin chat is to be used ONLY for administrative matters or discussions, it’s not there to insult your fellow administrators or for RPing.
• TRY to answer to reports.
• In console, type “byb_who” every half hour or so, to insure that you won’t accidentally ban an undercover super admin.
• If an admin needs help dealing with server issues, you HELP them, do not sit by and watch as the admin tries to be everywhere at once, you are an admin as well, and your job is to help others, including other admins when need be.
• Don’t give out free Dark RP cash to other players when on duty, unless the situation warrants it.
• DO NOT kick or ban other admins. This is a big no no. Use proper channels in order to deal with admin abuse, in extreme cases, you CAN ban other admins for big things like spawn blocking and prop spam, but after the ban you MUST go to a super ASAP with the evidence, or you WILL receive an admin warning and a ban yourself.
• NEVER use your administrative powers inside of RP (for example, you are not allowed to slay someone if they are raiding your base) Using noclip to build, however, is allowed.
• Don’t spam an admin command, as this tends to annoy others.
• Use Evidence when making judgment, don’t just trust someone’s report.
• Don’t clean up disconnected props unless its after a ban or the server is lagging. *command is for trusted_admins and above only*
• If you wrongfully ban a player, its not the end of the world. Contact a Super Admin and explain the situation.
• If you think someone IS hacking, you can only ban them if you ARE a Trusted or Super admin, To do so you HAVE to spectate AND record them before banning (thank Moo for adding this in)

Base Rules, what you need to know.
This section will cover some basing rules that are not defined in the motd

• No one is allowed to build by the fountain
• Hobo cant have keypads in their shack
• Crouch entrances are not allowed
• You can only have one sign advertising your shop
• Prop bases are still not allowed
• Three fading doors in a row to get inside a base is also not allowed.
• Keypads cannot be delayed
• Inappropriate sprays are not allowed*Porno sprays*
• Invisible props are not allowed.
• Players cannot spawn props in other peoples bases unless the player that owns the base allows it
Punishments for brakeing these rules varies, but mostly falls under a verbal warning for the first offence and a kick for ignoring admins second offence.

Administrative commands

In console type “ulx menu” for reference (Also, for most of these commands, you will need to put part of a player’s
name after the command and/or a reason for it Console Commands are the same only with ulx infront of it and in console
(Also if there are a lot of players on the server, put more into the name to insure accuracy)

/adminduty to go AoD
!kick (reason)
!ban (time) (reason; include time with the reason as well)
!slap (!slap !all to slap all players, same applies to other commands )*
!banid (Steam id) (reason, time, most likely they won’t be able to see it, but include it anyways)
(TRIPPLE check the Steam id BEFORE you ban it!)
/demote (reason)
/a (admin chat)
/aadvert (for admin adverts)
(Extra edit by Sky: Gagging = Muting microphone but not chat, Mute = Muting chat but not microphone)

Ban Table

The chart below will help decide which ban to assign to what infraction. But first, how to ban:
It goes like this for most infractions (the exceptions will be listed below)
Verbal Warning/ slay
Ban one hour
Ban one day
Perma ban
Note that the ban time is in minutes, do plan ahead on your ban if need be.

Now, the chart is set up like so for your convenience, and to give you an idea of what type of ban is needed for each type of infraction:
Ban time l Reasons for ban (this table is an example of general kicks and bans)
Kick l NLRx2 RDMx2 Lying to a admin, Job abuse, First warning for faphack
60 One Hour l RDM in bulk, Repeated braking of NLR, fist abuse, sign spam, prop pushing, prop block after warning est.
120 Two Hours l Excessive swearing after warnings, Admin disrespect Admin disrespect as a kick reason is no longer allowed, please be descriptive with your ban/kick reason. See whole announcement here
1440 One day l Prop surfing after a warning, minor prop spam, building in other bases, faphack user rejoining with it still on, est.
10080 One week l Mostly used to ban steam ids for avoiding punishment
Bans no longer go over a day, they are automatically capped (unless they are perma). Please submit a ticket with evidence if you want someone to be banned longer than a day
0 Perma Ban l Spawn killing, aimbots(contact a trusted or super admin, and let them handle the issue), spawn blocking, prop spam, server crashers, tool gun spam (like door spam)

Server Rules

Written by
Note: Since our rules have the possibility to cover multiple rules at once, do not attempt to bend the rules.

General Rules

1) Don't attempt to exploit or cause harm to the server.
2) Don't randomly kill someone. (RDM - Random Death Match)
3) Don't harass or annoy other players. This includes being racist or purposefully trying to offend others.
4) Don't spam. This includes voice chat, OOC chat, adverts, or admin chat.
5) Don't prop minge. This includes prop climb, surf, kill, block, bridge, push, trap or spam.
6) No offensive or inappropriate text signs.
7) Do not use an inappropriate RP name.
9) Do not interfere with admin sits or Admins who are on duty.
10) Do not ban evade by going on an alternate account.
11) Scamming during vendor transactions or any roleplay transactions is not allowed whatsoever.
12) No Bunny Hopping. It's unrealistic.
13) No mugging.
14) No CP helping. You must be a government class or a bodyguard hired by the Mayor to assist CP.
15) Overall, use common sense and have fun.

Building Rules

1) While building, put up a sign that says "Building" to let others know you are not roleplaying.
2) When a building sign is up, you cannot have any entities in your base.
3) Do not interfere with people that have a "Building" sign.
4) A player must be able to enter and exit your building using a keypad cracker or a lockpick.
5) Do not abuse the fading door tool. (Using the numpad to constantly spam it or open and close it quickly)
6) You may not own more than one base at a time.
7) You may use a maximum of 3 fading doors per base.
 You may not have a fading door with the sole purpose to protect a keypad or button.
9) Keypads must be connected to a working fading door.
10) Keypads must have a hold length of 5 seconds for fading doors. (With a 0 initial delay)
11) Keypads must be placed near the door they open in plain sight.
12) Keypads must be low enough to be cracked from ground level. (You shouldn't have to duck or climb to reach the keypad)
13) Do not build inside unowned buildings or ones that you do not own.
14) Do not build out on the streets or anywhere public.
15) Do not build on rooftops unless they are accessible via walking. (inaccessible rooftops)
16) Do not block off large parts of the map, or any place where NPCs or Dumpsters entities spawn.
17) Bases that require crouching or alter your speed or movement in any way are disallowed. (No mazes, traps, or killboxes)
18) Do not create tiny cracks in your base that raiders cannot see.(Headshot and footshot traps)
19) No disorienting advantages such as black rooms, fully invisible props, or world glow effects.
20) Do not store entities on inaccessible rooftops or inaccessible areas in general.
21) Sky bases are not allowed.
22) Do not place entities in spawn. (Radios, Vending Machines, Donation Boxes, etc.)
23) No KOS signs.

Important Rule Definitions

Random Death Match (RDM)
1) Killing without any valid RP reason.
2) You may always defend yourself if you are being attacked.
3) Do not complete hits, kill, or arrest players in spawn unless they have already left the spawn area.
4) Do not complete hits, kill, or arrest players with building signs unless they have left their area or are engaging in RP.

New Life Rule (NLR)
1) Once you die, you forget everything that happened to you in your past life.
2) You may not return to the area where you died until you wait the 5 minute NLR Area cooldown time.
3) Your NLR is not limited to the size of your NLR circle. If you return to the area where you died and continue to influence the ongoing RP, you are breaking NLR.

1) Using information that your RP character does not know.
2) Using your numpad to open the keypads and buttons too quickly versus actually using them. (FDA)
3) Acting upon visual effects or sounds that can be seen/heard through a wall that you wouldn't normally see or hear.
4) Using out-of-character (OOC) information in-character, and vice versa.

Raiding Rules
1) You must wait 10 minutes in-between raiding the same person.
2) Once you've completed your raid, you must leave. You cannot occupy a base/store after a raid.
3) You cannot raid from inaccessible rooftops.
4) You cannot raid the PD from a rooftop or from inside a base.
5) You cannot raid an obviously open/empty base.
6) Walking past the 2nd door in the PD is considered raiding.
7) When raiding the bank/PD, it is Raiders vs. CP. Do not kill other raiders.

Gang Territory Rules
1) You must be a raiding class to claim or defend a territory.
2) You may not fire on enemy gangs unless the territory is being captured or defended.
3) You must be in a gang to participate in an ongoing defense/capture.
4) If you enter a contested territory with a gun out, you can be shot by defending/capturing gangs.
5) Corrupt CP may NOT participate in territory wars.
6) You are NOT allowed to capture a territory from the inside of a building.

Default Laws
1) Owning a small handgun is legal.[ALWAYS]
2) Murder, assault, robbery and raiding are illegal activities.[ALWAYS]
3) Firing off any gun in public for any reason other than self defense is illegal.[MAYOR CAN CHANGE]
4) Owning contraband is illegal.[MAYOR CAN CHANGE]

Contraband is: Weed, Weed Plant, Coke, Meth, Heroine, Stove, Printers, Rocket Crate, Health Chargers, Armor Chargers, Unarrest Baton, Stunstick, Lockpick, Silent Lockpick, Pickpocket, Keypad Cracker, Any Explosive, Any weapon that's not a handgun.

Contraband is not: Ammo Crate, Brewing Barrel, Beer, Radio, Medic Kit, Grappling Hook, Bugbait, Knives, Morphine, Ziptie, Pills.

Job Specific Rules & Guidelines

All Government Classes
Government jobs are not allowed to own their own separate base. Their home is the Police Department.
Government jobs must follow the guidelines and rules set by the Mayor.
Government jobs can be corrupt, but can be demoted for being corrupt. (You can NOT RDA, RDM or raid without a valid warrant.)
Government jobs may return to the PD if killed during a raid, but may not return with guns out.
Any action that involves not following rules set by the Mayor is considered corruption.
Government jobs are only allowed to weapon check in the Police Department or Bank.
Do not randomly arrest someone without reason.
You must always have a valid roleplay reason to search, warrant or want a player.
After a valid warning, government jobs may legally eliminate lawbreakers who resist arrest or flee.
If you are shot at, you mus shoot back. Do not attempt to arrest someone who is shooting at you. (Baton Rush)
Don't metagame. You cannot warrant based on information you read in OOC or noises you heard through a wall.
During a lockdown, government jobs may arrest any non-government officials that aren't hobos.

Note: You cannot drop weapons as Government Jobs because you have access to an armory.

You may be demoted for being corrupt.
The Mayor may set his own bail price or disallow bail altogether.
If there is no Mayor, The Police Chief may set the bail rules instead.
You may change laws to be active or inactive based on the list at the bottom of the rules.
You may create a lockdown at any time for any reason.
You may build in the PD with cosmetic props only. No fading doors or blockades.

Citizens are not allowed to raid or steal.
Citizens are allowed to obviously own a base and own printers and other entities.

All Private Classes
All private classes can raid.
Private classes are not allowed impersonate other jobs.

Vendor Classes
Gun Dealer, Black Market, Drug Dealer, Bartender, Prostitute
You must sell to the public. You cannot refuse public selling.
You cannot scam as a vendor.
You can put vending machines anywhere on public property.
Do not self-supply. (Switching to the class only to supply items for your friends)

Thieves are allowed to raid and pickpocket anywhere.

Gangster and Mob Boss
Gangsters are allowed to raid anywhere.

Hobo and Hobo Leader
Hobo's can raid only if they're with the Hobo Leader.
Hobo Leaders cannot raid by themselves.
You are not allowed to own a base.
You are allowed to build tiny shelters on sidewalks or in parks.

Hitmen can raid only if their target is inside of a base.

Radio DJ
The Radio DJ cannot raid.
Do not play annoying sounds or songs with a sole purpose to annoy players.
Do not play music near spawn.

Cinema Owner
The Cinema Owner cannot raid.
Do not play any vulgar or racist videos.
Do not play any porn or adult material.

The Pianist cannot raid.
You shouldn't really be doing anything other than playing the pianos on the map.

The entertainer cannot raid.
Don't mic spam or be generally annoying.
Be creative, entertain.

Lumberjacks and Drug Runners
The lumberjack and drug runner jobs cannot raid.
Lumberjacks should stick to the forested area and cut down trees.
Drug Runners must be doing drug runs.

Fight Club Owner
Fight Club Owner cannot raid.
The fight club owner should start a fight club and host fights.